Monday, 13 November 2017

Moving on

Moving on.. They never explained that time would help do that.. It can't be forced on yourself. Moving on is accepting that you did wrong too maybe by trusting the wrong person. It is not that the person wasn't wrong it just means that you have got your lesson and you know you deserve more than some people you had in life. It is falling in love with yourself and becoming choosy. Never apologize for who you are because that's what makes you unique and that's what makes you shine everyday of your life. Not everything is easy and not every person is going to stay. Moving on is when you realize that telling a person to move on is the dumbest thing you can do because it happens eventually. It is knowing that it takes time and it is teaching by letting them recall.

Friday, 30 June 2017


The word is something all of us are familiar with. Negotiation is used by everyone in their daily lives to be able to secure a good deal. There are different ways in which people negotiate. A strong negotiation skill is very important to be able to secure a good deal. In business and markets it plays the most important role in determining the reputation of the firm.
The FOUR steps of negotiation are as follows:
Preparation includes knowing well about the other party. To know their strengths and weaknesses in order to secure a good deal. On the other hand it also means knowing exactly what we want. The goals and the things to obtain in the deal should be clear in our minds. The party’s conditions should be well understood and a reasonable price goal should be set. Make sure the deal is only with one party who is good enough to make the agreement.
After both the parties have enough information the negotiation begins. The offer may be accepted or rejected.
The offer should be opened and questions should be asked. A proper image of the company and good personnel should be given the responsibility who can show high degree of expertise and listening can help find the leverage.
The mast important step is bargaining where both the parties come to agree on a particular set of arrangements. A win-win solution is what should be aimed at to secure the deal. A list of items that can be traded should be ready and the options offered should not be more than three.
A final handshake helps to ensure a sense of trust and respect. The last step requires a good amount of creativity and the anticipation of the worst case scenarios. The next moves of the party should be carefully analysed. The deal should be formalised soon by a contract. Do not feel too relaxed before the contract has been signed by both the parties and you will be good to go.


When we were little we all wanted to grow up and now that we are grown-ups we want to go back to being little. It is strange how people want changes all the time and never appreciate the changes that come. One thing should be clear that the present is something that is being lived and sitting and repenting for the past is of no good.
Living a better life is our choice and becoming rich doesn’t always mean having money, our belief system is what makes us rich.
Reading the success stories of people there were certain habits that they never left. Let us take a look at that:
Reading is the most important thing in order to be successful. Knowledge is tremendous and grasping as much as possible gives exposure beyond what we have experienced. Books are best friends because they help us gain knowledge by being there for us whenever we need them.
Exercising helps increase our productivity. Today we can continuously work for two hours but tomorrow we may be able to do more. Not only does it increase productivity, it is the major reducer of stress and anxiety.
Persistence is to continue with the work till you get successful. Failures are demotivating because we see it as an end. If we change our perspective and see failure as a new beginning towards better work things get much better. Giving up is never the solution, only persisting will help achieving our goal.
‘Patience is the key to success’ as we all know. The run towards success makes people furious to get to it and attain it but that would just ruin things because impatience will lead to wrong decisions.
In the process of earning and spending there are people who forget to save. They have a positive attitude but analysing the risks and consequences of loss should always be taken into account. Saving is never bad, it just helps us overcome difficulties in future.
Socializing is one of the major component through which a person can touch heights. Knowing people and meeting new people helps us network and connect with others who may help us in reaching the heights we wish to.


            (A business blog)
You want to be wealthy and rich don’t you? And more than being rich we all want to be respected for who we are and what we do. We all dream of that one day of our lives when everything will be alright and we will be happy and satisfied for with all we have. A beautiful house with someone we love and a world where we can dream and achieve anything in the world.
While talking to a few of my friends I discovered that everyone dreams. They have these big aspirations that may someday come true. But not everyone worked on their dreams. The lifestyle of a wealthy man and an average man is completely different. Let’s see how far we have come with our goals:
•The one who reads daily will always be able to come up in his life from the diversified knowledge he has obtained in different fields rather than the one who watches TV and spends most of his time in unproductive work.
•They set goals and follow through and compliment others for their achievements rather than criticizing people and setting hollow goals for themselves.
•To be able to embrace change is one of the most common habits o successful people. Staying in the same environment can never help a person to understand and adapt to the dynamic environment.
•Successful people don’t hold grudges; rather they focus on talking about new ideas. They know that people will speak anyway so shutting their mouth would just mean wasting time.
•Last but not the least, the ones who are successful take responsibility for their own mistakes and learn continuously while the others blame others and waste time doing nothing.

Friday, 19 May 2017


Suicide? Before you even think about it know this! No one will care, this whole world you live in won't care to give a shoulder to your mom who cries on your death and no man will allow your father to work. Your parents and a few friends, their worlds will be shattered and a few others will forget you in a day. This world loses people everyday and people stay in agony for months but guess what? No one cares. If they don't know who you are, they won't even know your value. In case they just know you.. They will just forget you in a bit. Your death will just bring harsh cold winds in the lives of the people who love you, and it will do just nothing to the world around you! So don't ever give up! Do not ever think suicide will make u wanted. What will maked you wanted is who you become and what you do! Your stories of success will make you wanted.. Remember.. There is nothing after death.. It is only life that gives us everything we want.

Friday, 12 May 2017


Just came across a video on Facebook which explained how we can just be feel free while committing any mistakes. The first thing that we actually need to do when we are committing a mistake is believe in ourselves. 
People fail and people do commit mistakes, sometimes it hurts but that's that life is.. Isn't it? 

All of us are insensitive about others making mistakes but when it comes to us then we realize how it feels.
In case they humiliate you for making a mistake it just means that you have another day! You have another chance and that chance you take to right your wrongs. 
Failures and mistakes are a part of success and that is what makes the taste of success delightful than anything. 
Success isn't about earning, it is all about the feeling. It is all about peace, satisfaction and solace which we get after all the harsh midnight struggles and exploited pools of hope.

Monday, 8 May 2017

I wish.

 I wish the lovely rainbow of our love and the silent breathing of our lives continue for time everlasting. You are a wonderful source of inspiration and my life.. I wish i could give you more of what I can.. I wish i could love you more than i am loving you and i wish i could make u smile all the time. Thank you for being there when no one was and accepting the little love i had left in me. You made me the sunshine and i promise to love you till the moon and back, from one life to another and forever. 

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Old Gumbie Cat by T.S. Elliot (Summary and explanation)

I had gone through many articles online and I didn't really find anything good enough for students learning this chapter. So I think I should write this one down.
Old Gumbie Cat is a poem which revolves around a cat named Jennyanydots, who is said to be a practical cat.
During the day she sits in mats, stairs and steps in the house doing nothing at all. She does not show any activities until it is night time when she heads to the basement.
She does not like the behavior of the mice in the basement and she decides to teach them certain things which will change their behavior. She teaches them music, crocheting and tatting.
The next day she just sits around like always and is fond of sitting in sunny and warm spots. She also sits near the hearth to keep herself warm and comfortable.
At night she finds out that the mice are very noisy and really annoying and she thinks that maybe it is because they have an irregular diet.
Therefore she fries and cooks for them so that they remain quiet.
The Gumbie cat likes to play with curtains and sit in smooth places like the window sill.
She finds out that the only way to keep the cockroaches away from any destruction is to give them employment. So she turns them into boy scouts from disorderly louts and gives them good deed and employment for life.
The poem ends with the note that we should give three cheers for the Gumbie cat on who our households depends.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017


The stars shining in the dark is a good example that we need to live in the dark in order to shine. Everything in the world is beautiful before life hits hard and we fall into a pit of darkness where there are only fatal thoughts lingering in our minds. To get out of the dark hole isn't easy like it is usually said. In fact it is much more difficult than any other thing. It requires belief in our own self and efforts to uplift our dead spirit, so that our dreams are alive again. We have to take a path which we didn't really take, the path of self discovery, to find out what is real in us and what we were meant for. It is tough to again find ourselves after being lost in a place which feels comfortable yet kills us more. Evil thoughts have to be pushed away and new ways have to be adopted. People say we change and that is the last thing you should pay attention to! Because people speak if you don't work according to them. Strengthen your will and be bold at heart so that no soul can break you again.

A mistake never forgotten

As she sat back on her chair..  Her eyes stared at the wall..  The wall had treasures hidden in it, it seemed.. Coz she was lost while looking at it..  The guilt of hurting someone's soul had almost killed her.  That person pretended to be happy still bcoz she was happy. He cried his nights to sleep while her nights became a little peaceful..  She wanted to punish herself bt she cudnt.  She wanted to apologize bt she cudnt.  Anything she wud do wud hurt him or her loved ones..  She was not alone and he was left all alone..  Maybe it wasn't meant to be she thought..  Bt the only question she asked was why wasn't she the one hurt.  She never regretted anything coz it was her who was hurt always..  Now the only thing that kills her everyday is the regret of meeting him n letting it happen. Seeing someone smiling when it killed them inside n being the reason for that was what killed her deep inside. She didnt want to be happy anymore.  Not until he was happy with someone else.  Not until he got the happiness he deserved.Not till she was punished for the crime she committed.  That is when she realized why her mom told her one thing always..  'never hurt a person' s soul coz it hurts us all'

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Voice of the rain

Even the voice of the rain is so soothing. It brings about a gush of happiness through my heart like the most awaited magic on earth has been awakened by the divine lords of love. I wonder where the cupid of Sunshine and Rain would have been formed without the presence of this wonderful spirit that embarks the lives of land and the hidden stories of the human mind..

Friday, 7 April 2017


There are various stages after which a person goes into  depression. 

The very first one is like a shock the person feels but he takes time to realize what happened and cry over it. He may cry for it after a year or so also..  Depending on when he realized what happened and how much it hurt him.. 

The second stage is where a person loses his patience. He starts crying and becomes very sensitive. He laughs but is broken inside and when u ask that person what is wrong he cries more.  But you should hear him out. He thinks of killing himself..  Let him speak understand him.. Because if u dnt do that then that person moves to the third stage. At this stage he feels every emotion a lot. 

The third stage is where a person starts forgetting stuff and loses himself completely. He tries to find happiness around him but if he does not then he moves to the forth stage. 

The forth stage is where the person thinks that now nothing else can be done. He doesn't think abt dying also. He gives up and just decides to live the life that destiny decides for him. He slowly starts to stop feeling stuff and also starts forgetting stuff so much that his past experiences are remembered as just fragments. He also gets frustrated easily in little things and get enraged and throws anger on people. 

If the person crosses all four stages he ends up in a closed place where he either needs a lot of care or he make take up wrong paths. 

The most important things that needs to be done during the above stages is

1) hear that person out patiently. Even if he was wrong earlier DO NOT BLAME HIM it will only make him go more inside the shell where he will get uncomfortable with you.

2) Do not give advices. Just tell that person that you will be there. It was the past LET IT GO. 

3) Do not tell them what to do and take care of the little things they like. 

4) lastly make them laugh a lot. Make their hearts smile and make them feel loved. 

The person may just be out of all the stages slowly if the above 4 are done. 

Note - A person can even directly enter any stage without going through the previous stages depending on the capacity of their minds to tolerate problems.

The thing written in my blog is my personal perception.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Just a maybe..

It was different from what i felt earlier. Sometimes he made me happy and made me fall in love all over again. His smile, his happy side i loved it. But still something seemed missing. Even though we were close it seemed like there was a distance between us which sometimes reduced but never ceased to exist. I feared losing him every time i felt happiness inside me because i knew he was the only reason for it. I wondered what he found in the darkness of night when he sat alone on the terrace. It was like he wanted to be alone even after my precence which he said, used to fulfill him from the inside. He used to always complete me and be more than i ever expected. But somewhere I always felt like I couldn't fill that part of him. Somewhere deep down he still seemed broken and that lively breeze he bought into my life is yet to come in his life. I didn't feel anymore like the angel of his dreams or the relief to his shattered soul. I felt just like an existence, like a shadow of his love. The girl he was supposed to love still didn't  seem to be here. I wondered what she looked like.? Would she be like the shinning diamonds or the mystical falls? Would her smile be enough to make him skip a heartbeat like he does to mine? Would she caress him and keep him in her embrace? Would her arms become his world of peace? The soul God has chosen for him would be divine like he is. I wondered if I am a little of what she would be... 

Monday, 27 March 2017


Life is an amazing journey full of adventures and breath taking attachments. How those little tears sometimes break all of us and how tears of happiness heals all our wounds. We hate it one moment and love it the other. We complain sometimes and sometimes we find ourselves lucky. Things don't always turn out to be the way we want them to and people fight battles everyday. Some fight to live and others to die. How strange is it that we don't really value this wonderful journey we have become a part of. We know the value of it only when we see a little life taking birth in the arms of a mother. That day she gets a new life and we all value life. Then what happens when our minds fight with our hearts and expectations fight with relationships? Are they not a part of our lives? Days happen and so do nights, trees blossom and so does autumn, seasons change and flowers blossom but the nature doesn't cease to exist because it knows the importance of existence and the value it holds. So my dear friend live your life and love it. Know that you are important and live like you always wanted.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Change for the good

It is strange how most of the quotes we read these days tell us to not care about what people say.
It had always been easy to say things than to do it.
It is true that we shouldn't care about what people say otherwise we will end up hating ourselves.
I remember talking to one of my friends.
He had been new to Bangalore and people had always made fun of his English.
It was not that he wasn't talented, he had great business skills and his mind was really sharp.
Why people looked down on him was just because he had been educated in a place where even teachers weren't very acquainted with the language.
He used to wonder what was his fault in something like that.
He used to put his efforts and try learning and people never left an opportunity to disappoint him.
It gave rise to fire in him, to do something in his life.
He was fed up with being looked down on.
Maybe that's why people speak.
Maybe people speak so that some lives change for the good.
So that some souls and hearts are set on fire to achieve and succeed.
Thats one positive way we can use to look at things.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017


When those beautiful eyes stare at a distance. Somewhere far away. When our sight has no bounds and we think about that one person who had once been our magnificent reality.

Our eyes glow with the love we had for them or maybe we still have it.

Those flashbacks of the paths we walked with them and the laughs we shared with them.

Those little things that we remember about them, their habits.

Those moments of complete bliss and those dreams which had once turned into reality.

The sound of their laugh and the pain in their hearts. 

That silence that talked.
And the love that glowed.
Those little worries and those little laughs which one day became closed pages of our lives and gave us Memories for a lifetime.

Friday, 3 February 2017


Some think of it to be the imaginations of the midnight where they are asleep. 
While some think that these are the places they want to reach.

The real ones are the ones we see with open eyes.

No its not day dreaming. It is like a beautiful place that we have created in our minds where we want to love and live someday.
Some dreams get a chance to live while others just break apart before coming to reality.

How strange it is that some people have their eyes shining with dreams in them while the others just hide themselves in the darkness.

How bad it is that some dreams are shattered and killed before someone tries for them.
As someone said “as a little girl/boy you saw some dreams, do not disappoint yourself.
Go for them.”

Monday, 23 January 2017

One sided love

This is a feeling which is felt by most of the people in their lives.

Lucky are those who don't have to feel the pain of it.

Or should I say the happiness of it? 

How we love that one person more than anything in this world and how we are just ok with even losing our lives for that one person.

That one smile that takes our hearts away despite the thousands of smiles out there.

How we gradually make that person our world and expect that person to do the same.

And when one day we realize that the feeling isn't mutual.

Our world shatters and we break down in bits.

We don't understand whether we should keep loving that person or just move on.

Some choose to keep loving that person with the hope that their love will bring the other one closer.

While the others bury pain in their hearts and walk with smiles on their faces.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Work hard

We all work hard for the things we want in our lives.
But sometimes we don’t get recognition for it. 
I remember one day in school when my teacher told me that 'it is the end result that matters' 
But it is not so.
We all know that end result matters but what if it is done by the wrong means? 
We work hard and we put a lot of efforts in it.
We work day and night just for that one dream that makes our lives so important for us.

And sometimes our efforts and hardwork is not appreciated by the people who we expect the most from. 

But that hardwork makes us learn. 
That hardwork makes us do new things. 
That hardwork makes us smarter and better. 

And someday that hardwork pays.
It may pay late but it does.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Don't waste time on people who don't care

Life is so full of struggles and misfortunes.
We may feel lonely sometimes.
We may feel vulnerable.
We may want to give up.
We all search for happiness.
We all want peace.

But we should also know that nothing comes easy.
Because what comes easy doesn't last.
It is tough to build up the courage and stand to do something for ourselves.
Because people out there just have the work to go on speaking. 
Some are envious some hate us.
But there are only a few who genuinely care for us. We should surround ourselves with them and be with the true ones.
Because life is already difficult to waste time on the ones who don't care

Saturday, 7 January 2017

For all the kindness you have in you

This is for all the soft hearted people out there who think that kindness and humanity does not exist anymore. 
For those who think that doing bad to people who did bad to you will bring you peace and satisfaction. 

I know it had hurt you a lot and I know it was tough to get through it. 
But if you just treat bad people in a bad way, do u think there will be any difference left between the two of you? 

You were strong enough to get through the pain they gave you so you are also strong enough to not take revenge.  
Revenge is for the weak.

You are the sunshine of tomorrow.

There is darkness but remember that the sun rises every day. 
Whatever happened with you shaped you into who you are today. 
It will help you find yourself. 
And it will help you to come up. 
Do not let your kindness be lost because of some bad people out there. 
Don't look at the people out there, look at yourself and make a place for yourself where they look at you and be sorry to have lost you or be proud to have you.

For all the kindness you have in you, I am proud of you.