Monday, 23 January 2017

One sided love

This is a feeling which is felt by most of the people in their lives.

Lucky are those who don't have to feel the pain of it.

Or should I say the happiness of it? 

How we love that one person more than anything in this world and how we are just ok with even losing our lives for that one person.

That one smile that takes our hearts away despite the thousands of smiles out there.

How we gradually make that person our world and expect that person to do the same.

And when one day we realize that the feeling isn't mutual.

Our world shatters and we break down in bits.

We don't understand whether we should keep loving that person or just move on.

Some choose to keep loving that person with the hope that their love will bring the other one closer.

While the others bury pain in their hearts and walk with smiles on their faces.