Friday, 7 April 2017


There are various stages after which a person goes into  depression. 

The very first one is like a shock the person feels but he takes time to realize what happened and cry over it. He may cry for it after a year or so also..  Depending on when he realized what happened and how much it hurt him.. 

The second stage is where a person loses his patience. He starts crying and becomes very sensitive. He laughs but is broken inside and when u ask that person what is wrong he cries more.  But you should hear him out. He thinks of killing himself..  Let him speak understand him.. Because if u dnt do that then that person moves to the third stage. At this stage he feels every emotion a lot. 

The third stage is where a person starts forgetting stuff and loses himself completely. He tries to find happiness around him but if he does not then he moves to the forth stage. 

The forth stage is where the person thinks that now nothing else can be done. He doesn't think abt dying also. He gives up and just decides to live the life that destiny decides for him. He slowly starts to stop feeling stuff and also starts forgetting stuff so much that his past experiences are remembered as just fragments. He also gets frustrated easily in little things and get enraged and throws anger on people. 

If the person crosses all four stages he ends up in a closed place where he either needs a lot of care or he make take up wrong paths. 

The most important things that needs to be done during the above stages is

1) hear that person out patiently. Even if he was wrong earlier DO NOT BLAME HIM it will only make him go more inside the shell where he will get uncomfortable with you.

2) Do not give advices. Just tell that person that you will be there. It was the past LET IT GO. 

3) Do not tell them what to do and take care of the little things they like. 

4) lastly make them laugh a lot. Make their hearts smile and make them feel loved. 

The person may just be out of all the stages slowly if the above 4 are done. 

Note - A person can even directly enter any stage without going through the previous stages depending on the capacity of their minds to tolerate problems.

The thing written in my blog is my personal perception.

1 comment:

  1. Google it sometime. Depression is lot more. What ever you said was just the emotions
