Saturday, 3 December 2016

What is meant to stay will stay

We all make mistakes. We all regret certain decisions. We all rush into things and we are all in a race to get to where we are supposed to be. We run after people and try to adapt ourselves according to the society. We try to make ourselves someone who will be accepted and loved by everyone out there. We forgive people easily sometimes and we don't want to let go off the ones who meant so much to us. We struggle to keep people in our lives and that makes us lose ourselves. What we need to understand is we never have to beg someone to stay... 

It's them who has to decide. We should keep the door of our lives open where people are free to move in and out. Only then are we going to realize the real ones the ones who came in and stayed. Only then we will get people who support us and our life goals and the temporary people will eventually leave. 

Because what is meant to stay will stay.

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