Friday, 2 December 2016

It's time to fly

You survived all of it. You were strong enough to do that.

Sometimes you just get exhausted by all of it. And sometimes you just want to give up. 

Sometimes you just want to leave stuff and go away somewhere far. But you always need to keep one thing in your mind. When the want to give up and leave is the most, just a step ahead lies success. You can either give up in the place you are or you can take just one more step more to get what you want. Choice is yours. You get hurt but that makes you stronger. You were meant to do stuff and move rocks no one else could. No one in this world comes without purpose. And the strength to walk lies within you. Death doesn't bring peace or happiness it is the end of life. And it brings only misery. 

It’s the time to live. It’s the time to work hard and have patience. Because time is the best healer. And what is bothering you today won't bother you at all next year. Someday you will find the cheese of your life. And someday you will be happy. You are the only person who can bring that day for yourself. And make sure you are there to see it. 

It’s not the time to give up. 

It's the time to spread your wings and FLY as high as you can….


  1. my cheese is just a step away....

  2. Yes,we shouldn't give up and try as much as possible..
    Amazing article😘
