Monday, 23 January 2017

One sided love

This is a feeling which is felt by most of the people in their lives.

Lucky are those who don't have to feel the pain of it.

Or should I say the happiness of it? 

How we love that one person more than anything in this world and how we are just ok with even losing our lives for that one person.

That one smile that takes our hearts away despite the thousands of smiles out there.

How we gradually make that person our world and expect that person to do the same.

And when one day we realize that the feeling isn't mutual.

Our world shatters and we break down in bits.

We don't understand whether we should keep loving that person or just move on.

Some choose to keep loving that person with the hope that their love will bring the other one closer.

While the others bury pain in their hearts and walk with smiles on their faces.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Work hard

We all work hard for the things we want in our lives.
But sometimes we don’t get recognition for it. 
I remember one day in school when my teacher told me that 'it is the end result that matters' 
But it is not so.
We all know that end result matters but what if it is done by the wrong means? 
We work hard and we put a lot of efforts in it.
We work day and night just for that one dream that makes our lives so important for us.

And sometimes our efforts and hardwork is not appreciated by the people who we expect the most from. 

But that hardwork makes us learn. 
That hardwork makes us do new things. 
That hardwork makes us smarter and better. 

And someday that hardwork pays.
It may pay late but it does.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Don't waste time on people who don't care

Life is so full of struggles and misfortunes.
We may feel lonely sometimes.
We may feel vulnerable.
We may want to give up.
We all search for happiness.
We all want peace.

But we should also know that nothing comes easy.
Because what comes easy doesn't last.
It is tough to build up the courage and stand to do something for ourselves.
Because people out there just have the work to go on speaking. 
Some are envious some hate us.
But there are only a few who genuinely care for us. We should surround ourselves with them and be with the true ones.
Because life is already difficult to waste time on the ones who don't care

Saturday, 7 January 2017

For all the kindness you have in you

This is for all the soft hearted people out there who think that kindness and humanity does not exist anymore. 
For those who think that doing bad to people who did bad to you will bring you peace and satisfaction. 

I know it had hurt you a lot and I know it was tough to get through it. 
But if you just treat bad people in a bad way, do u think there will be any difference left between the two of you? 

You were strong enough to get through the pain they gave you so you are also strong enough to not take revenge.  
Revenge is for the weak.

You are the sunshine of tomorrow.

There is darkness but remember that the sun rises every day. 
Whatever happened with you shaped you into who you are today. 
It will help you find yourself. 
And it will help you to come up. 
Do not let your kindness be lost because of some bad people out there. 
Don't look at the people out there, look at yourself and make a place for yourself where they look at you and be sorry to have lost you or be proud to have you.

For all the kindness you have in you, I am proud of you.