Sunday, 27 November 2016


You will meet many different kinds of people in life. Some who will make promises and break them.

Some who will stay with you till you are successful. 

Some who will only love the happy side of you. 

Some who will stay away from you because you have problems around you. 

Some who will be with you till you behave the way they want you to. 

Some who will just use you for their good. 

Some who will break you. 

Some who will laugh when you fall.

Some who will never appreciate you even if you are the best. 

And some who will make you fall. 

But you got to let those people go.  You got to understand that even if they are your closest friends, you have to LET THEM GO!
The kind of people or person you need to keep around you are the ones who appreciate you. People who stand by you in the toughest time even if they get involved in those problems. People who lift you up and help you out when you need them. Keep those who make you happy who genuinely care for you. You find only few such people. But keep them. And let the rest of them go.  LET THEM GO! 

Because beautiful things are coming your way….


  1. You write and explain things so well ❤ keep the good work going. 😘

  2. Good goin... Keep it up:)... Rlly anushka u write so well...

  3. Good goin... Keep it up:)... Rlly anushka u write so well...
