Friday, 30 June 2017


The word is something all of us are familiar with. Negotiation is used by everyone in their daily lives to be able to secure a good deal. There are different ways in which people negotiate. A strong negotiation skill is very important to be able to secure a good deal. In business and markets it plays the most important role in determining the reputation of the firm.
The FOUR steps of negotiation are as follows:
Preparation includes knowing well about the other party. To know their strengths and weaknesses in order to secure a good deal. On the other hand it also means knowing exactly what we want. The goals and the things to obtain in the deal should be clear in our minds. The party’s conditions should be well understood and a reasonable price goal should be set. Make sure the deal is only with one party who is good enough to make the agreement.
After both the parties have enough information the negotiation begins. The offer may be accepted or rejected.
The offer should be opened and questions should be asked. A proper image of the company and good personnel should be given the responsibility who can show high degree of expertise and listening can help find the leverage.
The mast important step is bargaining where both the parties come to agree on a particular set of arrangements. A win-win solution is what should be aimed at to secure the deal. A list of items that can be traded should be ready and the options offered should not be more than three.
A final handshake helps to ensure a sense of trust and respect. The last step requires a good amount of creativity and the anticipation of the worst case scenarios. The next moves of the party should be carefully analysed. The deal should be formalised soon by a contract. Do not feel too relaxed before the contract has been signed by both the parties and you will be good to go.


When we were little we all wanted to grow up and now that we are grown-ups we want to go back to being little. It is strange how people want changes all the time and never appreciate the changes that come. One thing should be clear that the present is something that is being lived and sitting and repenting for the past is of no good.
Living a better life is our choice and becoming rich doesn’t always mean having money, our belief system is what makes us rich.
Reading the success stories of people there were certain habits that they never left. Let us take a look at that:
Reading is the most important thing in order to be successful. Knowledge is tremendous and grasping as much as possible gives exposure beyond what we have experienced. Books are best friends because they help us gain knowledge by being there for us whenever we need them.
Exercising helps increase our productivity. Today we can continuously work for two hours but tomorrow we may be able to do more. Not only does it increase productivity, it is the major reducer of stress and anxiety.
Persistence is to continue with the work till you get successful. Failures are demotivating because we see it as an end. If we change our perspective and see failure as a new beginning towards better work things get much better. Giving up is never the solution, only persisting will help achieving our goal.
‘Patience is the key to success’ as we all know. The run towards success makes people furious to get to it and attain it but that would just ruin things because impatience will lead to wrong decisions.
In the process of earning and spending there are people who forget to save. They have a positive attitude but analysing the risks and consequences of loss should always be taken into account. Saving is never bad, it just helps us overcome difficulties in future.
Socializing is one of the major component through which a person can touch heights. Knowing people and meeting new people helps us network and connect with others who may help us in reaching the heights we wish to.


            (A business blog)
You want to be wealthy and rich don’t you? And more than being rich we all want to be respected for who we are and what we do. We all dream of that one day of our lives when everything will be alright and we will be happy and satisfied for with all we have. A beautiful house with someone we love and a world where we can dream and achieve anything in the world.
While talking to a few of my friends I discovered that everyone dreams. They have these big aspirations that may someday come true. But not everyone worked on their dreams. The lifestyle of a wealthy man and an average man is completely different. Let’s see how far we have come with our goals:
•The one who reads daily will always be able to come up in his life from the diversified knowledge he has obtained in different fields rather than the one who watches TV and spends most of his time in unproductive work.
•They set goals and follow through and compliment others for their achievements rather than criticizing people and setting hollow goals for themselves.
•To be able to embrace change is one of the most common habits o successful people. Staying in the same environment can never help a person to understand and adapt to the dynamic environment.
•Successful people don’t hold grudges; rather they focus on talking about new ideas. They know that people will speak anyway so shutting their mouth would just mean wasting time.
•Last but not the least, the ones who are successful take responsibility for their own mistakes and learn continuously while the others blame others and waste time doing nothing.