Friday, 19 May 2017


Suicide? Before you even think about it know this! No one will care, this whole world you live in won't care to give a shoulder to your mom who cries on your death and no man will allow your father to work. Your parents and a few friends, their worlds will be shattered and a few others will forget you in a day. This world loses people everyday and people stay in agony for months but guess what? No one cares. If they don't know who you are, they won't even know your value. In case they just know you.. They will just forget you in a bit. Your death will just bring harsh cold winds in the lives of the people who love you, and it will do just nothing to the world around you! So don't ever give up! Do not ever think suicide will make u wanted. What will maked you wanted is who you become and what you do! Your stories of success will make you wanted.. Remember.. There is nothing after death.. It is only life that gives us everything we want.

Friday, 12 May 2017


Just came across a video on Facebook which explained how we can just be feel free while committing any mistakes. The first thing that we actually need to do when we are committing a mistake is believe in ourselves. 
People fail and people do commit mistakes, sometimes it hurts but that's that life is.. Isn't it? 

All of us are insensitive about others making mistakes but when it comes to us then we realize how it feels.
In case they humiliate you for making a mistake it just means that you have another day! You have another chance and that chance you take to right your wrongs. 
Failures and mistakes are a part of success and that is what makes the taste of success delightful than anything. 
Success isn't about earning, it is all about the feeling. It is all about peace, satisfaction and solace which we get after all the harsh midnight struggles and exploited pools of hope.

Monday, 8 May 2017

I wish.

 I wish the lovely rainbow of our love and the silent breathing of our lives continue for time everlasting. You are a wonderful source of inspiration and my life.. I wish i could give you more of what I can.. I wish i could love you more than i am loving you and i wish i could make u smile all the time. Thank you for being there when no one was and accepting the little love i had left in me. You made me the sunshine and i promise to love you till the moon and back, from one life to another and forever.