Monday, 27 March 2017


Life is an amazing journey full of adventures and breath taking attachments. How those little tears sometimes break all of us and how tears of happiness heals all our wounds. We hate it one moment and love it the other. We complain sometimes and sometimes we find ourselves lucky. Things don't always turn out to be the way we want them to and people fight battles everyday. Some fight to live and others to die. How strange is it that we don't really value this wonderful journey we have become a part of. We know the value of it only when we see a little life taking birth in the arms of a mother. That day she gets a new life and we all value life. Then what happens when our minds fight with our hearts and expectations fight with relationships? Are they not a part of our lives? Days happen and so do nights, trees blossom and so does autumn, seasons change and flowers blossom but the nature doesn't cease to exist because it knows the importance of existence and the value it holds. So my dear friend live your life and love it. Know that you are important and live like you always wanted.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Change for the good

It is strange how most of the quotes we read these days tell us to not care about what people say.
It had always been easy to say things than to do it.
It is true that we shouldn't care about what people say otherwise we will end up hating ourselves.
I remember talking to one of my friends.
He had been new to Bangalore and people had always made fun of his English.
It was not that he wasn't talented, he had great business skills and his mind was really sharp.
Why people looked down on him was just because he had been educated in a place where even teachers weren't very acquainted with the language.
He used to wonder what was his fault in something like that.
He used to put his efforts and try learning and people never left an opportunity to disappoint him.
It gave rise to fire in him, to do something in his life.
He was fed up with being looked down on.
Maybe that's why people speak.
Maybe people speak so that some lives change for the good.
So that some souls and hearts are set on fire to achieve and succeed.
Thats one positive way we can use to look at things.